all postcodes in CB8 / NEWMARKET

find any address or company within the CB8 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB8 8AA 6 0 52.243351 0.416565
CB8 8AB 7 0 52.24273 0.419212
CB8 8AD 73 2 52.241723 0.419201
CB8 8AE 29 0 52.242122 0.417289
CB8 8AF 64 0 52.241106 0.420368
CB8 8AG 29 1 52.238694 0.423093
CB8 8AH 20 0 52.237295 0.425551
CB8 8AJ 28 0 52.235552 0.425471
CB8 8AL 11 0 52.232847 0.428018
CB8 8AN 53 0 52.239027 0.424386
CB8 8AP 39 0 52.235164 0.43207
CB8 8AQ 14 0 52.237287 0.42331
CB8 8AR 20 1 52.246362 0.405653
CB8 8AS 3 0 52.224098 0.435389
CB8 8AT 17 0 52.236054 0.407117
CB8 8AU 7 0 52.236488 0.407858
CB8 8AW 57 0 52.237442 0.428884
CB8 8AX 68 4 52.242292 0.407689
CB8 8QD 1 1 52.241292 0.407752
CB8 8AY 35 0 52.24244 0.419796